was curated by Yesomi Umolu with Katja Rivera in 2018, and organized in partnership with e-flux and Participant Inc. This exhibition is part of the project
Hubert Fichte: Love and Ethnology, initiated by Goethe-Institut and Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin with the support of S. Fischer Stiftung and the S. Fischer Verlag, and led by artistic directors Diedrich Diederichsen and Anselm Franke. The project runs from 2017 to 2019 in collaboration with numerous partners in Lisbon, Salvador de Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago de Chile, Dakar, and New York, with the final station culminating in Berlin in 2019. Texts by and on Fichte are available on the project’s blog (www.projectfichte.org) in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Wolof. The English-language publication of Hubert Fichte's essay collection The Black City: Glosses is forthcoming with Sternberg Press.
Journeys with the initiated